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Technotorg has become an official dealer of Kverneland machinery!

A new stage in the development of Technotorg begins with a new partnership: with the world-renowned agricultural machinery brand Kverneland!

The brand's range includes all the necessary machines for agricultural activities: various soil tillage implements, seeders and seeding complexes, fertilizer spreaders and sprayers, forage harvesting equipment, and more.

The brand is part of the Kverneland Group, founded in 1879 in Norway. Today, with 145 years of experience, the company successfully promotes its innovative solutions in the international market. Over the years, it has grown from a small family business into a huge global corporation, with factories now operating in 9 European countries.

Modern Kverneland equipment from Technotorg's range is already available at sales points in many regions of Ukraine.

Check availability with your regional manager or by calling the Hotline at 0675156775.

новий партнер Kverneland